Improve Annoying Jump Controls With Coyote Time and Jump Buffering - Unit Game development Tutorial
In this Unity game development tutorial we're going to look at how we can improve our jump controls using 'Coyote Time' and 'Jump Buffering'. You can either watch the video version below or continue reading for written instructions. In one of our previous tutorials, we showed how to add a basic jump to a character. The character is only allowed to jump when they are on the ground. This makes sense logically, but in practice this can make your game really annoying to play. One problem is that the player may want to jump on landing and they press the button a fraction of a second too early. Or they may press the button a fraction of a second too late when trying to jump off a platform. In these scenarios, it just feels like the controls are broken and it can be really frustrating. In this tutorial, we'll look at how to fix this with a couple of simple changes. OK, so let's look at what’s currently happening in our script. using UnityEngine; publi