
How to Keep Score - Unity Game Development Tutorial

In this Unity tutorial we're going to allow the Player to gain points by killing enemies, and how to display the score on screen. We'll cover the creation of scripts to keep track of the score and increase it when enemies are killed. Then we'll display the score using Text Mesh Pro and use Unity events to update the UI whenever the score is changed.

How to Create 2D Death Animations - Unity Game Development Tutorial

In this Unity tutorial we're going to look at how to add death animations for both the Enemies and the Player. We'll cover the creation of animation clips, and how to use 'Any State' to transition to the death animation from any state.

How to Create 2D Movement Animations - Unity Game Development Tutorial

In this Unity tutorial we're going to look at how to add animations to our game to make things look a bit more interesting.

How to Use a Seed Value to Recreate Procedurally Generated Levels - Unity Game Development Tutorial

In this Unity tutorial we're going to look at how we can use a seed value to procedurally generate the same level again and again.

Ragdoll to Standing Improved! - Unity Game Development Tutorial

In a previous tutorial, we looked at how to make a ragdoll return to standing after a period of time. One of the issues with the solution was that if the zombie fell on its front, there was a noticeable flip before it stood back up. In this Unity tutorial, we’re going to improve this by using different ‘stand up’ animations, depending on the direction the ragdoll's facing..

Creating an Enemy Wander AI - Unity 2D Top Down Shooter Game Tutorial

In this Unity tutorial we're going to look at how to make enemies randomly wander around.