
Showing posts from June, 2020

Unity Quick Tip - Focusing the Scene View on Multiple Game Objects

In this Unity quick tip tutorial we'll show you how to focus the Scene view on multiple game objects at the same time, allowing you to quickly see all the objects you are interested in. 1. Create a new 3D project in Unity Hub. 2. Add a Cube to the scene by clicking the plus button on the Hierarchy panel and selecting 3D Object->Cube. 3. Ensure the position of the cube is set to (0, 0, 0) in the Inspector panel. 4. With the cube selected in the Hierarchy panel, move the mouse cursor over the Scene view and press the F key. The Scene view will now be focused on the cube. 5. Now add a Sphere to the scene by clicking the plus button on the Hierarchy panel and selecting 3D Object->Sphere. 6. Set the position of the sphere to (0, 5, 0) in the Inspector panel. 7. With the sphere selected in the Hierarchy panel, move the mouse cursor over the Scene view and press the F key. The Scene view will now be focused on the sphere. 8. You'll notice that by focusing on the sphere you can

How to Make a Video Game - Getting Started

It's not that long ago that you would need to be an experienced programmer if you wanted to create your own video game. Now, there is an abundance of free tools and learning resources available that make game development much more accessible. One of the most important components of game development is the game engine. This is the framework on which a game is built and historically this is the first thing that would need to be developed. While many game studios still develop their own engines, many now make use of third party game engines, such as Unreal and Unity. Unity is a great choice for beginners as it is free to use (as long as your studio is earning less than $100K per year), has a reasonably gentle learning curve, and has a strong developer community. In this tutorial we'll take a look at some of the capabilities of the Unity game engine and how to get started on your game development journey.  1. The first thing you need to do is download Unity. Navigate to the Unity h